Monday 14 February 2011

Second Time Filming

Today we filmed during 2nd lesson where we filmed part of the dream sequence , however we didn't film it all due to Zoe not having her cape. We decided that we would contrast it to our bedroom scene by entailing the colour usage of black and white, which almost made it seem more surreal and overall gave the scene an intriguing feel. It also conveys to the audience more clearly that it is visibly differential in comparison. In terms of Mise-en -scene Ana was bare foot to display her primitive nature, with dishevelled 'wild' hair to evoke a sense of realism as she is supposed to be asleep, as well as giving the audience the impression that she is different from the innocence portrayed in the previous scene which she was in. This appeared to be even better due to the grass which was extremely long , adding to the barbaric nature of the scene. This was a good day to begin capturing this scene as it was slightly overcast, stormy grey and would look excellent, especially if its used against shots of Zoe next week when it is sue to start raining. Despite being hunched over with my knees clenched tightly,I made sure that the camera was enabled a slight view of my face looking frightened to ensure that the audience can sympathize with my character. We tried this shot several times with various techniques to show experimentation and how we can differentiate to the norms to which were accustomed to. The shots we tried included :panning in which Ana had ensured she looked startled and used jerky movements to the left and right to clearly provide evidential basis for the audience to infer, an over the shoulder shot to show my insignificancance and vulnerability, again hunched over to represent this and finally a high angle shot of roughly 3 seconds to symbolise my fear of the unknown. During these particular shots we could exaggerate the sound of  my breathing [e.g. making it more ragged as if ana's out of breath]. Perhaps we could also slow down time during this shot to make it seem as though time has gone still. This could perhaps suggest loneliness and how no one can help me, as Ana is alone.  Our next shot was of Zoe's feet encased in brown lace up boots, walking towards the camera in the grass, which we felt signified clearly to the audience that something was about to happen to me. Finally we captured a shot of Ana running. We started off with me looking over my shoulder with the camera directly behind me, in which she looked intently at the camera, my eyes dilated with fear, as though she was asking the audience to help me. This makes the audience feel empathetic and worried in terms of Ana's welfare. Again we could enhance the sound of her breathing but this time making it even more erratic and out of rhythm as though she was hyperventilating. Ana then quickly ran off without looking behind me to show that she was to scared to do so and stopped at a certain vantage point, ensuring that we didn't get the school pylons in the footage. Ana then looked warily behind me for several seconds and then ran on a little further before collapsing in the grass.

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