Thursday 17 March 2011

Editing 5

After school yesterday Ana and I did some editing, coming up with some discoveries which has really left us feeling panicked considering we have only now got 19 days left. We began by carefully analysing our current clip realising that alot of our footage desperately needs to be re filmed as well as generally correcting all the mistakes we can do without having to replace shots. We started by the usage of the fade in within the primary fame. Ana noted, that the red contrast used on the last frame of the bear, was too dark a shade in hue, though the camerawork within was quite good. Possibly if we revert it back to it's original contrast it would look more realistic and less blurry with better quality of footage.We also noticed that for some reason  random flashes of lights kept appearing in the following frames:
  1. Both the last and 2nd to last frame
  2. Between the two easels whereI am drawing
  3. A red flash in the dream sequence both in the middle and the end
  4. A flash where Ana's sit down
You can see by the evidence displayed here, there is alot of faults within our film, which should be high in our priority list to organize. What we regret is that we filmed so early that we should have had plenty of time to re film certain frames and yet didn't use our time wisely.

Our film has several problematic factors:
      1. Shaky camera movements when filming the sleeping scene and certain elements of the dream sequence, such as the panning movement around Ana (we should change this to tracking instead as well re filming it) where Ana is sitting in the grass and the camera cuts half of her head off and doesen't put her in the center of the frame despite her being the supposed focal point within the frame and a cape shot where Zoe's head gets cut off screen
      2. Violation of match- on action in the following shots: A particular easel frame where I am drawing and the next frame has my hand off the page which is inappropriate and does not look good for the examiner, a shot where the camera walks round Zoe and then randomly cuts to a shot using both a different angle and placement as she is at the side, at 1minute 11seconds 14ms my position changes from a wide shot to a side angle depsite the importance of me being in the same position
      3. Bad use of Jump cuts- where Ana's hair is blowing in the wind (we have cut this) and it jumps backwards then forwards/ where the camera rotates around the bear (also cut)
      4. Bad use of zoom- 5 Seconds into the zoom it stops halfway for a second and then continues (cut)
      5. Inappropriation of Mise-en-scene: one particular frame with Ana and Zoe in it needs to be filmed again as you can visibly see the school tennis court and pylon (which is clear to the examiner that it has been filmed at school which doesn't really show ideally seclusion and wilderness) and shots which has visibility of Ana wearing a black shirt which is not apparent in other shots 
    1. What we need to imrpove on;
      1.  re film the running sequence as it jumps back by mistake
      2. check our primary footage
      3. film Ana collapsing in the grass
      4. Change some of the narrative
      5. Add some dialogue to our film though minimal in its quantity
We have 1 minute 19 seconds of footage so there is still plenty of space to refilm frames/ add new footage. As well as this we looked at effects for texts by double clicking which came up with fades (fade in/ fade out/ roll/ crawl options/timing/frames  and pre roll).

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