Wednesday 6 April 2011

Frame 5

The location for this frame is the same as the previous frame before it to diplay continuity editing as well as some elements of Mise-on-scene. Within this shot it is most likely that that the Props in this frame are the most influential as they provide a sense of surrealism as well as the positioning of the camera behind her. Zoe is wearing  a homemade cape of coloured yellowly green fabric with holes and ragged edges which signifies her animal like character. This creation of costume was done before we decided to use the black and white so that it would blend in with the background and becoming more in-conspicuous.
The Rule of thirds is not used once again to draw your attention to the scenery as effecively we are providing specific emphasis on the rural nature of the environement. Our representation of Zoe is a subvertation against traditionally tailored horror roles as we felt that we wanted to enforce the hybrid genre, due to it being something which is rarely attempted. The postioning of  Zoe is done to provide an abstract sense of surrealism as her back is facing the audience, as well as being hunched over, as though she is ready to jump and again is enforcing her animal-like personilisation.

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