Thursday 5 May 2011

Software Used

Youtube was an essential part of our coursework because it  was used to provide an online access for viewing our film. Youtube allowed us and other people to easily access our film by anyone as well as being simple to use. Another positive of using Youtube is the oppurtunity it allows to share films with other youtube users which makes it easier to recieve feedback.
We have learnt the following
  • learnt how to create and use a YouTube account
  •  how to upload and publish the videos we made.
  • how to add speech bubbles/annotations #


We  used Blogger as a form of an online diary. Here we completed our blogger tasks split into 5 sections: Preliminary task (starting out), Research and planning, filming, Editing and evaluation, which we grouped together to give a clear view as to where everything is. Blogger is also an effective website as it is easy to use as well as being able to export pictures/videos fairly simply. Also I have found out many different methods to use when constructing, researching and planning a film.

 From using Blogger we have learnt the following:
  • How to provide a detailed analysis of our media works in regards to the context within our film e.g camera composition
  • to accurately write a 'diary' which talks in depth about what we have done at each stage in our work

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